Real estate in the capital

Anyone who has already invested in residential real estate in the capital has definitely done everything right. Whereas the average price per square meter for an apartment in Berlin 12 years ago was 1,640 €/m², 10 years ago it was already just under 2,210 €/m² and the same apartment would currently be offered at a price per square meter of around 5,500 €/m². This corresponds to an increase of around 235% in 12 years. And despite all the current turmoil, real estate prices across the entire metropolitan area have still risen by 4.80% over the past 12 months, as of Jan. 2, 2023.

Purchase prices apartments: In Berlin, the average price per square meter for an apartment is 4,320 €/m². While the most expensive condominiums in Berlin command a price per square meter of up to 12,553 €/m², the purchase prices for the most affordable apartments are 2,455 €/m² (source: Immobilienscout24).

Rental prices apartments: The average rent for apartments in Berlin is 10.48 €/m². The lowest price for rental apartments is 6.32 €/m². The upper price limit is 26.73 €/m² (source: Immobilienscout24).

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